Saturday, August 13, 2005

Olivia's Birthday

Olivia turned four years old on August 3rd. Here are some pictures from her birthday party. Her friends Caroline, Laurel, and Elise Kuyrkendall, and Mollie, William, Hannah, and Andrew Bradford came over to celebrate and help eat the cake.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey Bakers,
I loved the pictures. I wish I could have been at olivia's party. I miss y'all tons and I think bout you often. I wish everybody could come to the states in October, but I will be looking forward to seeing Mr. Baker again. I start school tomorrow and I get to be in classes from 7 or 8 until 5 everyday so you can imagine I am really excited about that. :) It should be more fun than last year though and I am looking forward to the hospital and nursing home experience starting up in October. I miss everybody there very much! Y'all are in my prayers.
God bless.
Love in Christ,
Elsabeth(as Mr.Baker called me);)