I spent this past Lord's Day at Bryce Avenue Presbyterian Church in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Pastor Henry Fernandez was ministering in another church in the presbytery, so I didn't get the privilege of fellowship with him and his family, but I did enjoy a wonderful time with Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bell (in whose home I stayed). I gave a presentation of our work during the Sunday School hour and then preached in the morning service. The sermon, "Joshua and the Great Commission," can be heard from the BAPC website by clicking here. After the service the church invited everyone to stay for lunch in the fellowship hall. There I enjoyed conversations with many folks. One of the highlights for me was meeting Dr. David Kuiper. Dr. Kuiper is a researcher at the national laboratory in Los Alamos, but most interesting of all, I learned that he is the great-grandson of Herman Hoeksema, the famous theologian from the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI. I have frequently used Hoeksema's Systematic Theology over the years, as well as consulting from time to time his Commentary on Revelation. He also has a three volume commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism that I don't own, but I've heard tell that it is an important work that I should acquire.
Thanks to all the saints at Bryce Avenue PCA for a wonderful weekend, especially to Dr. and Mrs. Bell for their warm hospitality.
Thanks to all the saints at Bryce Avenue PCA for a wonderful weekend, especially to Dr. and Mrs. Bell for their warm hospitality.