Sunday, June 25, 2006

Arevalo Fellowship Hall

I'm ashamed that I overlooked Dr. Sam Suttle's (Louisville, MS) comment on the previous post for so long. He inquired about the work on the fellowship hall in Arevalo. Below, one can see quite a few pictures of how far we have advanced (above is what it is supposed to look like when we finish). At long last we have the roof over the auditorium, first floor bathrooms, front portico, second floor, and doors and windows finished (though we still lack glass in the windows). These pictures do not show the roof very clearly. I had a number of good pictures of this on my computer which was recently stolen. I'll try to get more soon and post them. The building is actually closer to being finished than it looks. We haven't done the "tarajeo" (kind of like stucco) on the outside of the building yet and around the edges of the windows, because that has to wait until the third floor is finished. We've been raising money for the clinic lately, so finishing the fellowship hall is on hold for the moment. Once the first floor of the clinic is operational, then we will get back to finishing the fellowship hall.

Here are the photos: